The Use of Films on History Education: Aspects and Practices of Future Teachers in CineScience


  • Ασημίνα Ανδρίκου University of Western Macedonia



CineScience, films, History teaching, Histotainment, research, future teachers


Contemporary research substantiates that the students get accustomed with historical events also outside of school, since Public History shapes their historical culture and influences their historical thought and consciousness more than the History resulting from scientific processes. Therefore, in recent years new teaching methods that utilize Public History have appeared in the school reality, such as Historical Edutainment (Histotainment). A typical example of this method is the use of cinema in History teaching through the technique “CineScience”. Despite the undoubted benefits of this technique for the learning process, there is no lack of controversy from its critics. This research, therefore, studied the views and the practices of future teachers in CineScience and highlighted the importance of substantial training and practical application to overcome resistance to its didactic use.

Author Biography

Ασημίνα Ανδρίκου, University of Western Macedonia

Εκπαιδευτικός ΠΕ70
Διδάκτορας Π.Τ.Δ.Ε. Π.Δ.Μ.



How to Cite

Ανδρίκου Α. (2022). The Use of Films on History Education: Aspects and Practices of Future Teachers in CineScience. Education Sciences, 2022(3), 7–21.

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