La question chypriote et la candidature de la Turquie à l'Union européenne Du Sommet de Copenhague (12-13 décembre 2002) au Sommet d'Athènes (16-17 avril 2003)
The election, in February 2003, of Tassos Papadopoulos as President of the Republic of Cyprus, who is more reserved in regards to the Kofi Annan plan than Glafcos Clerides, the out-going President, must be considered as a refusal by the Greek Cypriots to accept this plan of the UN on the settlement of the Cypriot question. The postponement of the European decision on the date for the opening of negotiations for Turkey's accession to the E.U to December 2004, by the Copenhagen Summit, had the advantage of starting a discussion on the borders of Europe.
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Catsiapis, J. (2003). La question chypriote et la candidature de la Turquie à l’Union européenne Du Sommet de Copenhague (12-13 décembre 2002) au Sommet d’Athènes (16-17 avril 2003). Études helléniques / Hellenic Studies, 11(1), 135–158. ανακτήθηκε από