7. Σύνθεση λέξεων από φυσικούς και αλλόγλωσσους ομιλητές της ελληνικής: ‘δείκτες’ γλωσσομάθειας/διγλωσσίας / Compound formation by native and second language learners of Greek
Compounding, mother language (L1) acquisition, second language (L2) learning, bilingualism, proficiency level, typological adjacency, universal/ cross-linguistic dominant morphological principles, Σύνθεση λέξεων, κατάκτηση μητρικής (Γ1), εκμάθηση δεύτερης γλώσσας (Γ2), διγλωσσία, επίπεδο γλωσσομάθειας, τυπολογική γειτνίαση γλωσσών, καθολικά/ διαγλωσσικά ισχυρές μορφολογικές αρχέςΠερίληψη
Aim of this paper is to investigate the characteristics which are shared during the process of compounding acquisition in first and second languages (L1 and L2, respectively). We will demonstrate that successful L1 acquisition and L2 learning are determined by various linguistic factors, like the structural/ grammatical adjacency of the mother and/ or second languages, the level of proficiency in the ambient language, therefore, the extent of L1 transfer, the influence of universally prominent morphological principles. It will be shown that L2 learners of Greek may become ‘true bilinguals’ irrespective of whether they are bilingual by birth. The discussion will be focused on the purely linguistic factors which determine compounding acquisition and learning as well as data from Greek L1 speakers, as well as Albanian, Dutch, German, Russian, Swedish and Turkish L2 learners of Greek.