The Integration of Technology in the Differentiated Writing Instruction. From Theory to Practice with the Multimedia Environment READ WRITE THINKER


  • Ιωάννης Σπαντιδάκης University of Crete
  • Μαρία Ράλλη University of Crete



technology, differentiated instruction, writing difficulties, metacognition


This article approaches differentiated instruction in the light of cultivating metacognitive skills through specific strategy instruction. Given that differentiated instruction seeks the substantial involvement of all students, encouraging active learning and enhancing awareness of the knowledge acquired by students, highlights the link between differentiated instruction and metacognitive skills. Emphasis is placed on the contribution of specific strategy instruction to supporting the text composition of students with and without difficulties in writing and the necessity of integrating technology in the existing effective teaching practices. This article highlights the key role of multimedia environments which with their technological and pedagogical features contribute to differentiated writing instruction. Furthermore, a didactic model of differentiated strategy writing instruction, supported by the multimedia environment Read Write Thinker is presented in practice.

Author Biographies

Ιωάννης Σπαντιδάκης, University of Crete

Καθηγητής ΠΤΔΕ
Σχολή Επιστημών Αγωγής
Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης

Μαρία Ράλλη, University of Crete

Διδάκτωρ ΠΤΔΕ
Σχολή Επιστημών Αγωγής
Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης



How to Cite

Σπαντιδάκης Ι., & Ράλλη Μ. (2022). The Integration of Technology in the Differentiated Writing Instruction. From Theory to Practice with the Multimedia Environment READ WRITE THINKER. Education Sciences, 2022(2), 251–279.