Bureaucracy Obstacles to Erasmus+ Programs


  • Μιχαήλ Θεοδώρου
  • Δήμητρα Γκιόκα
  • Μαρία Ιακωβάκη
  • Ιωάννης Μαγγίνας




Erasmus , school education, bureaucracy, application form


The aim of this research  is to investigate the factors that act as a deterrent to the participation of primary and secondary school teachers in European Erasmus+ programmes (KA1, KA2), regardless of their own interest in them and the undoubted benefits arising from their participation. The method followed was the submission of an online questionnaire created with Google Forms. The questionnaire was completed by 110 teachers and edited with Google spreadsheets. The results indicated that bureaucracy, especially when drafting the application, was the strongest deterrent to teacher involvement. The same aspect/view was even more strongly expressed by the two sub-groups of teachers (included in the survey sample) who had previously participated in similar programmes or had the coordinating role in their school. Finally, suggestions were made about ways to deal with the problem.

Author Biographies

Μιχαήλ Θεοδώρου

Εκπαιδευτικός ΠΕ70
Διευθυντής 1ο Δ.Σ. Φιλιατών «Κωνσταντίνος Ζάππας»
Διδασκαλείο ΕΑΕ

Δήμητρα Γκιόκα

Εκπαιδευτικός ΠΕ 70
Δασκάλα στο Δ.Σ. Αγίου Βλασίου-Καστρίου
Διδασκαλείο Γενικής Αγωγής

Μαρία Ιακωβάκη

Εκπαιδευτικός ΠΕ70
Υποδιευθύντρια 2ου Δ.Σ. Φιλιππιάδας Πρέβεζας
Med, Msc ΕΑΕ

Ιωάννης Μαγγίνας

Εκπαιδευτικός ΠΕ70
Τμήμα ένταξης 1ου Δ.Σ. Φιλιππιάδας Πρέβεζας
Διδασκαλείο ΕΑΕ
Msc, Msc ΕΑΕ, cphd



How to Cite

Θεοδώρου Μ., Γκιόκα Δ., Ιακωβάκη Μ., & Μαγγίνας Ι. (2021). Bureaucracy Obstacles to Erasmus+ Programs. Education Sciences, 2021(3), 293–309. https://doi.org/10.26248/.v2021i3.1560