Sport, the democratic imaginary, fan violence and self management: the perspective of Alain Ehrenberg


  • Diamantis Mastrogianakis Frederick University



Sport, neo-individualism, hooliganism, self-governance, sportization


Since the late 1980s, Alain Ehrenberg has developed a sociology of neo-individualism in order to study the transformations facing French society. A significant part of his early work is devoted to the study of sport. Based on the above theoretical perspective, Ehrenberg approaches three main aspects: first, the imaginary core of the practice based on social and political terms; second, the interpretation of hooligansim in the light of the social use of fan violent behaviour and third, the sportification of the adventure in terms of self-governance.

Author Biography

Diamantis Mastrogianakis, Frederick University

Ο Διαμαντής Μαστρογιαννάκης είναι Διδάσκων στο Tμήμα Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού στο Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick της Κύπρου


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How to Cite

Mastrogianakis, D. (2024). Sport, the democratic imaginary, fan violence and self management: the perspective of Alain Ehrenberg. Greek Journal of Sport and Social Sciences, (2), 85–98.