Perspectives on Cross-Linguistic Transference: Greek and English In Multicultural Australia


  • George Kanarakis Charles Sturt University


Linguists accept that no languages in contact are completely pure and free of transferred language forms, features and constructions. Cross-linguistic transfers are a natural, universal phenomenon and not accidental, whatever the motives. In the past two decades this linguistic interaction has become a central issue in applied linguistics, providing valuable assistance with the planning and organising of foreign and second language teaching/learning. This paper focuses on the diachronic linguistic situation due to the cross-linguistic contact between Greek and Australian English, that is, the impact of Australian English upon Greek in the immigrant context of Australia and that of Greek upon Australian English. To present a more comprehensive picture of transference, this paper examines both direct and indirect transfers, as well as their impact on different levels of language, illustrated by a variety of oral and written examples




Πώς να δημιουργήσετε Αναφορές

Kanarakis, G. (2009). Perspectives on Cross-Linguistic Transference: Greek and English In Multicultural Australia. Études helléniques / Hellenic Studies, 17(1), 19–35. ανακτήθηκε από

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