5. Σχέσεις Σχολείου, Οικογένειας και Κοινότητας με κοινωνικοπαιδαγωγικό προσανατολισμό: Εκκινώντας την έρευνα από τους εκπαιδευτικούς /Relationships between School, Family and Community with a social pedagogical focus:Commencing the research with teachers
Communication between School, the Family and Community, Teacher’s Perceptions Questionnaire, School Culture, Social Pedagogy, Επικοινωνία Σχολείου Οικογένειας και Κοινότητας, Ερωτηματολόγιο Αντιλήψεων Εκπαιδευτικού, Κουλτούρα Σχολείου, Κοινωνική ΠαιδαγωγικήΠερίληψη
Lots of studies point out the need for the modern school to redefine its role and its educational work with strong social pedagogical orientation, which should be supported methodically and be utilized efficiently. The social pedagogical role is associated with the “shift” of the relationships between the school, the family and the community and their evolution from the level of communication to the formation of a collaborative network in an organized and systematic manner; the network will be supporting and boosting enhancement and development of the parties involved and effective in treating and preventing various issues that arise in the life of the school community.
The present paper, first, presents the relationships between the school, the family and the community from a social pedagogical point of view.
Then, there will be a presentation of the results and findings of a research, which is a part of a larger research programme on the collaboration between the school, the family and the community. This paper presents the first phase of the research programme, which aims to explore teachers’ perceptions of the communication and collaboration between the school, the family and the community. The other phases of the research programme focus on students, parents and other members of students’ families, the other staff working in the school premises (apart from teachers) and on people who come from the school and the wider community.
The research results (the research that was based on research tools created for this purpose) have highlighted specific features that constitute important factors associated with effective collaboration between the school, the family and the community, inadequate communication and school culture. These findings are useful to teachers, school communities and in educational policy planning, that aims to support the social pedagogical role of the school.