Η Συμβολή της Μετεκπαίδευσης των Δασκάλων στη Βελτίωση του Εκπαιδευτικού τους Έργου
Eπιμόρφωση, μετεκπαίδευση, συνεχιζόμενη εκπαίδευση, εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων, Διδασκαλεία Δημοτικής ΕκπαίδευσηςΠερίληψη
The main claim of the preservation of the Teacher Training College or Didaskaleio wsa that the attendance of training program contrubutes to the professional development of the participants, who are returning to their schools can apply to the educational work of the knowledge gained and also to emerge as capable of teaching staff.
In this article we present the results of our empirical research that concerning the assessments gathered from 133 teachers who graduated from Teacher Training College (Didaskaleio) in the Primary Education Department of the University of Patras, in Greece. Especially we refer to the views of graduates on the contribution of training in the teaching work they do in school classroom.
The findings show a positive but limited contribution of the training program to improvement on their educational task.