Άσκηση Ηγεσιας και Επαγγελματική Ικανοποίηση των Εκπαιδευτικών: Ο Ρόλος της Συναισθηματικής Νοημοσύνης και της Πολιτικής Ικανότητας των Διευθυντών Σχολείων Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης
Συναισθηματική Νοημοσύνη, Πολιτική Ικανότητα, Ακτίνα Δράσης Διευθυντή, Επαγγελματική Ικανοποίηση ΕκπαιδευτικώνΠερίληψη
Emotional intelligence, political skill, exercising leadership of primary school Principals and job satisfaction of teachers, are research areas which for many decades, continue to have great interest in the field of educational management and leadership. Through the development of a dynamic model an attempt was made towards coupling and co-examining these areas. This research, investigates whether emotional intelligence and political capacity of school Principals influence the way of exercising leadership and of the job satisfaction of his/her teachers. Finally, this research will provide important feedback to those organizations interested in educational leadership and reform, as it can illuminate (unknown until now) abilities that an effective Principal must have.