Βασικές Θεωρητικές Αρχές της Αναγνωστικής Ανταπόκρισης
Αναγνωστική ανταπόκριση, διδακτική της λογοτεχνίας, αναγνώστηςAbstract
The following article is a short review of readers' response theory with a special focus on three of its main representatives, Louisse Rosenblatt, Wolfrang Iser and Stanley Fish. Its main objective is to emphasise some of the major points of readers’ response theory, such as the relation between reader and text, the role of the reader and the role of the community in the construction of the text’s meaning, in an effort to clarify the concept of response and of what it consists. In this way, this short review is hoping to contribute to the ongoing discussion about the teaching of literature and to the creation of new, more appropriate models of teaching and reading literary texts education.