Τελετουργικές, συμβολικές πρακτικές στις κοινότητες οπαδών: η εικονοποίηση νεκρών οπαδών σε πανό των ελληνικών γηπέδων


  • Μανώλης Χουμεριανός Panteion University




stand, fans, visualization, death, loss, farewell, sacrifice, honour, values, symbolism, identity


The study analyses the banners raised in Greek football grounds depicting the deceased members of the fantom community. It covers a time span of two decades (2000-2020), a period that witnessed an increased use of symbolic visual material. Our analysis is predicated on the idea that the fandom community, and primarily its organized members, utilize symbolic and ritual practices to highlight their otherness (to distinguish themselves from rival communities or the “less militant” supporters of their club) and their distinct collective identity. One of these practices is the visualization of a deceased community member and the attribution of certain characteristics (“iconic”, “sacrificed” etc). The affirmation of honour bestowed upon the member and the ascription of positive traits relates to the way the brothers in arms of the deceased invest their actions with meaning on the basis of shared values. The research material derives from the internet and various secondary sources and, primarily, comprises of photographs that appear in fan clubs’ websites followed by mentions to those who have passed away.

Author Biography

Μανώλης Χουμεριανός, Panteion University

Ο Μανώλης Χουμεριανός είναι Επίκουρος Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Κοινωνιολογίας του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου, e-mail: mhoumer@yahoo.com

