The Greeks in Egypt and Their Theatre Activities During the Twentieth Century


  • Euthymios Souloyannis


This article reflects on the theatre life of the Greek paroikies in Egypt during the twentieth century. Although the beginning of the Greek theatre there goes back to the mid-nineteenth century in Alexandria, its highest point is observed in the post World War II years, mainly in Alexandria and Cairo with professional and semi-professional groups, as well as with the invitation of well known theatre companies from Athens which performed in front of a most receptive public. The writer notes that theatre activity decreased after the 1950s following the decline of the prosperous Greek paroikies throughout Egypt.

Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα

Euthymios Souloyannis





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Souloyannis, E. (2008). The Greeks in Egypt and Their Theatre Activities During the Twentieth Century. Études helléniques / Hellenic Studies, 16(2), 83–87. ανακτήθηκε από