Note de l'éditeur / Editor's note


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 The revision of the history of the Greek Resistance and Civil War is a relatively recent phenomenon and generally presented after the fall of the Soviet Union. The effort put into revising the history of this period co-exists with a corresponding effort in literature, which may have begun earlier in some instances. Indeed, this was the case of Thanassis Valtinos' novel Orthokosta which proved useful as a source of inspiration for the revisionist historians.
  Revisionism in both history and literature is certainly not a uniquely Greek phenomenon and may be observed elsewhere in the world, although under different conditions. Without a doubt, neoliberalism and globalisation have contributed decisively in this respect. At the same time, postmodernism which attacks and discredits the rationalism of the Enlightenment and relativises everything, serves as the theoretical platform of this revisionism.
  Études helléniques-Hellenic Studies, in the form of an open discussion, presents this special edition. As Études helléniques-Hellenic Studies is a forum for the exchange of ideas, we will gladly receive and present any differing opinions sent to us.



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--, .-.-. (2010). Note de l’éditeur / Editor’s note. Études helléniques / Hellenic Studies, 18(1), 181. ανακτήθηκε από

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