Communicating Greece in Times of Economic Crisis: The Role and Significance of Public Diplomacy
The Greek economic crisis and its potential impact on the future of the Euro zone have monopolized media coverage globally. The international press has mounted a fierce and negative campaign against Greece. Greece, however, has not responded to the critiques. So far the country seems to be passively accepting that politically and economically it is on the periphery of the West and the EU, anticipating solutions to the country’s problems to be provided only by Brussels and Washington. Greece, however, could invest on the critical role public diplomacy plays in contemporary global politics. This requires a shift from a public diplomacy that concentrates only on forging cultural and educational links, to a public diplomacy that focuses on the most significant regional and global issues by encouraging communication and dialogue, with official and non-state actors, working with and through internal and external societies and public opinion. When considering Greece’s location in a complex, volatile and security-consuming geographical zone, including the Balkans, the Black Sea region, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, such a public diplomacy strategy will not only provide the country with new opportunities in dealing with its bilateral problems (Turkey, FYROM). It will also enhance its relevance and influence in multilateral organisations and forums, supplying it with ample opportunities in world affairs far beyond its current economic condition and limited hard power capabilities.
* This is a revised and expanded version of the paper that was published by the Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, No. 124, 2012, with the title “Strengthening Greek Public diplomacy: Present Conduct and Future Potential”.