Behind the Turkish-Israeli Alliance: A Greek Perception


  • Antonia L. Dimou Panteion University, Athens
  • Marios L. Evriviades Panteion University, Athens


Turkey has adopted a revisionist foreign policy inresponse to perceived post-Cold War changes in its regional and domestic scene. This policy seeks not only to alter the regional balance of power in its favor but also to ensure a hegemonic role for Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean and the wider Middle East.

This article attempts to capture the Greek perception of the Turkish-Israeli alliance. To this end, the article explicitly focuses on the background as well as on the modern version of the Turkish-Israeli alliance as well as the motives behind it. Finally, the Greek and Cypriot concerns and responses to this partnership will be also discussed.

Author Biography

Antonia L. Dimou, Panteion University, Athens

Research Associate at the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University.




How to Cite

Dimou, A. L., & Evriviades, M. L. (2001). Behind the Turkish-Israeli Alliance: A Greek Perception. Études helléniques / Hellenic Studies, 9(2), 115–138. Retrieved from