Η Ομαδική Συμβουλευτική στις Σχολές Γονέων: Η Διαμόρφωση της Γονικής Ιδιότητας / του Γονικού Ρόλου
Γονική Ιδιότητα, Γονική Ταυτότητα, Συμβουλευτική Γονέων, Σχολές ΓονέωνAbstract
One of the most important and essential responsibiliites assumed by a person during their lifetime is the upbringing and education of their child or chidren. In other words, the responsibility for fulfilling a proper parental role. This obviously precedes other kinds of duty taken over -especially of professional nature- because parental responsibility is a unique commitment to other people’s lives, and an unspoken commitment to the community, which considers it to be unnegotiable. The aim of the presentation is to examine an important aspect of parenting that needs redefining and clarifying, namely the parental identity. A description of the basic concept of parental identity, and the factors that facilitate its clarification and shape its contour is made. Finally, attempts are made to highlight the importance of educating and counseling programs targeted to parents as regards the configuration of parental identity, which is extremely important as it leads parents to increased awareness and strengthens both the children and the their relationship with their parents whereas special emphasis is put on the programs that are organized within the framework of the Parent Education Groups in Greece.