The seabed as a place for recreational sports activity: Narratives of amateur divers on a Greek island
Recreational diving, amateur scuba divers, free timeAbstract
This study, conducted in Corfu, Greece, investigates the perceptions of scuba divers regarding the seabed and their own bodies. The primary objective is to elucidate the significance of scuba diving as a leisure activity and its integration into divers’ daily lives. It explores the factors that attract individuals to scuba diving, the emotions experienced during diving, and the associated risks of staying at the seabed. Scuba diving is conceptualized as a social practice intertwined with the culture of adventure. Eight amateur scuba divers from Corfu participated in the study. These divers described scuba diving as an enjoyable hobby that provides entertainment and recreation. They emphasized the importance of leisure time for engaging in this activity, noting its value in relation to their work life. The research highlights how diving alleviates work-related stress and tension, offering relaxation and serenity. Scuba diving emerges as a social workshop of modern self-practices, with the pleasures, experiences, and even dangers faced by the diver playing a crucial role in shaping their social identity and future diving endeavors.
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